Our sheep are outside at the natural pastures from spring to fall and during the winter they enjoy self-made hay. Additionally, the sheep enjoy local farmers' barley, oats and broad beans. Minerals and salt are also Finnish, however they come outside of Houtskär.
Our farm makes an effort to get the meat emissions to at least neutral.
In Finland, sheep are not given any antibiotics or medicine, unless absolutely necessary. Therefore Finnish meat is a safe choice.
Our sheep are butchered at a butchery approved by the Finnish Food Authority. The sheep are also sliced and vacuumed there.
We slice the meat according to orders, so be sure to order well in advance.
Our customers have complimented us about the meat quality and we strive for this feedback in the future as well.

Finnish lamb is naturally less fat because fat does not accumulate in the meat itself.
The lamb's meat is crumbly, exquisly and mildly flavoured.
The lamb is less than one year old, and it considered to be about 50 kg when those times come full, so it is not a small lamb.Finnsheep has less fat naturally, because muscles barely store any fat. Lamb meat is tender, fine-textured and mild. A lamb is under one year-old and is ready to be butchered at about 50 kg. Thus, lamb meat is not from a very youngl lamb.
Meat from a sheep over 1-year-old has a stronger taste in its meat. This depends on the age of the sheep.
Sheep at natural pastures move a lot and eat a large variety of foods. These include grass, mushrooms, bilberries, apples, twigs and reeds. However, it depends on what the specific pasture has to eat.
Wool lambs we do not sell 🙂

Sheep is preferred when a stronger taste is wanted and lamb meat is milder.
The basic selection usually consists of:
pipe bone roast
double chop
minced meat
rarely/ with an order:
sirloin steak
soup meat

Links to the recepies:
I usually add only salt, thyme and pepper to lamb/sheep meat. Sometimes I also add garlic, curcumin, onions, mint, rosemary, honey or something similar.